Implant Method – What Is It?
The implant, also called ‘the rods’, is a long-acting reversible contraceptive (LARC). It works by stopping your ovaries from releasing an egg each month. It is more than 99% effective at preventing pregnancy. It can last for up to three years once it is inserted. It can be used by women of any age and at any time after giving birth. It is safe to use while breastfeeding, although you will need to use back-up protection (like condoms) for the first seven days after it is fitted.대구임플란트치료병원
Health professionals with specific training perform a minor surgical procedure to insert the implant. They choose a site on the inside of your upper arm away from major blood vessels and nerves. The site is cleaned and anesthetized before the applicator needle is inserted. The needle is slid under the skin to its full length and then a slider is released which keeps the implant in place. The insertion takes 4 to 5 minutes for Norplant, 2.5 minutes for Jadelle and 1.5 minutes for Implanon. After the insertion is complete a small bandage is placed over the area to prevent bruising.
There is a low risk of complications. Most women feel some discomfort at the insertion site, but this usually stops within a few days. There is a risk of infection at the insertion site which can be treated with antibiotics. The most common side effect is changes in menstrual bleeding. The bleeding can become heavier or lighter and may stop completely. In some cases, the cervix thickens and your periods may become longer or more painful. These symptoms usually disappear after the first year of use.
Some women are worried that the implant will reduce their libido or affect their relationship with their partner. However, most couples have no issues. If you’re worried about this, talk to your GP.
Women with certain medical conditions are not suitable for the implant. You should not have the implant if you have serious blood problems like a blood clot, heart attack or stroke. You should not have it if you have had an abortion or miscarriage in the past or if you’ve had cancer or breast tissue removed. You should also avoid the implant if you have a history of heart disease or high blood pressure.
The implant can be reinserted after you have given birth, but you will need to use back-up contraception for the first seven days. The implant can also be inserted straight after an abortion or a miscarriage. You can still get pregnant while using an implant, but it is very unlikely. Pregnancy caused by implants is rare and most are not ectopic. Infections with implants are rare and can be treated with antibiotics. Implants do not make you infertile, and fertility returns as soon as the implant is removed. However, it is important to practice good oral hygiene and visit your dentist regularly to remove any plaque or tartar around the implant.램브란트치과